Automakers and businesses are experimenting with digital services, while states are just beginning to develop and implement national systems for collecting car owner data. RSpectr's interlocutors believe that legislative norms will be introduced faster if there is a public outcry that could be created by leaks of car owner data.
On March 1, Wuxi City in China's Jiangsu content writing service Province enacted China's first regional law on the development of internet technologies for intelligent vehicles. It provides for special protection of personal information.
Sensitive data of car owners collected using digital technologies should be stored on internal servers, and any information of a cross-border nature should undergo enhanced security checks
Until now, no country in the world has had any specific legal acts regulating the constant collection of data by a car, Sergey Gebel, CEO of the law firm Gebel and Partners, told RSpectr. They tried to pass a law similar to the one adopted in China in the United States, but its fate remains unknown, he noted.
In most countries, there is no special regulation for car manufacturers, Ruslan Yusufov, managing partner of the consulting company MINDSMITH, confirmed to RSpectr. In relations with consumers, they are subject to the general rules for processing personal data (PD). For example, 152-FZ in Russia, GDPR in the European Union, or LGPD in Brazil. The expert complained that legislation on PD sometimes protects businesses rather than consumers.
Ruslan Yusufov, MINDSMITH:
– We sign papers with a long list of companies that receive our personal data every day, and today's paradox is that without a tick about consent, we limit our rights. If you don't tick it, don't send a selfie with your passport – you don't go on a business trip, don't open a bank account, don't get access to the service, don't participate in correspondence, can't make video calls.
An important step in the legislative regulation of digital security of cars was the package of documents adopted on the basis of the UN Commission ( UN R155 , R156 ). It involves the introduction of a mandatory certification system for car manufacturers and their suppliers in terms of ensuring cybersecurity, Mikhail Savushkin, an expert on transport security at Kaspersky Lab, told RSpectr. It is expected that these rules will be localized in Russia, he specified.
Sergey Gebel reminded that the Avtodata platform has been under development in our country for several years now, which should organize centralized data collection and allow drivers themselves to participate in this process. The corresponding GOST R 59237-2020 has been approved and has already been put into effect.
The Autodata project is currently in its third stage and pre-launch, pilot testing with our partners will begin soon, the NTI Autonet press service told RSpectr. They noted that the first two stages included the development of:
user requirements and the concept of the Autodata platform,
technical specifications for the creation of the system, preliminary and technical design,
a series of models that allowed the most detailed design of the system.
NTI Autonet, press service:
– At the third stage, the software for the first stage of the Avtodata platform is being developed, providing a full cycle, starting from receiving data from several sources, their preliminary verification and processing, storage and formation of products – data sets placed for sale in the Avtodata platform data catalog.